Sabtu, 22 Juli 2017

Luxury Kitchen Cabinets For Your Home

If you thought that luxury kitchen cabinets are only the privilege of the rich and elite, then you are wrong. You too can have a cost effective solution for a designer kitchen complete with luxury kitchen cabinets.

Luxury kitchen cabinets do not necessarily mean the cabinets that adorn the house of celebrities. It can mean quality functioning cabinets that have the necessary amount of aesthetic appeal. It should be in sync with the rest of the kitchen design and also with the decor of the home.

With the right amount of planning, you too can have a kitchen that looks as good as the one that you see in designer catalogues.

The plan

    This is the first step towards a proper functioning and good looking kitchen. Draw out a plan and make sure that you put all your expertise into it.

    If you feel that you are unable to do justice to the plan, then you can always seek the services of an expert.

    A kitchen cabinet is the most prominent thing that will stand out in your kitchen. It should be in the perfect location, should support proper storage and do not forget the luxury aspect.

    You can opt for ready made cabinets or have them custom made.

    Everything from wooden cabinets to modular ones can be purchased off the shelf or custom made.

    The advantage of having them custom designed is that you can get the size and the shape that most suits your kitchen.

Types of cabinets

You can opt for face framed ones or frameless European ones based on your overall kitchen design. The luxury kitchen cabinets should be designed in such a way that they make maximum usage of space and compliment the storage area, the cooking area and the sink.

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Chery Automobiles: China’s Auto War Begins

China is laying plans at this very moment to begin shipment of passenger vehicles to the North American market by mid 2007. Chinese automobile manufacturer, Chery, yes read that again…the company sounds strangely like Chevy, is looking at bringing not just one, but a whole fleet of low cost production vehicles to our shores. Proposed prices will astound you and could potentially bring the U.S. auto market to its knees. Don’t think for even one moment that Japanese and Korean automakers will be immune from this flood of low cost cars. Chery vehicles have been designed – some say stolen – from current Asian models and will compete directly against the likes of Toyota, Honda, Nissan, and Hyundai. China’s long awaited war with the US – at one time expected to begin with a Red Army attack on Taiwan -- may be fought on an economic front instead.
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Chery, a state-owned car producer formed in China’s eastern Anhui Province, is currently building a number of cars in China including the QQ – a compact car strangely similar to the Daewoo Spark [GM’ Korean division], as well as several sedans and a compact SUV. Indeed, recent charges made by Toyota, GM, and Honda have all alleged that Chery mimicked or outright stole designs from at least one of each automaker’s vehicles including the Honda CR-V. For the record, the Toyota case was rejected, Honda is still attempting to work out a solution with their case, and GM recently dropped its suit after the Chinese automaker agreed not to sell their cars in the US under the Chery name which GM has stated is too close to the Chevy name. Chinese courts have also ruled that the Daewoo Spark design was not registered in China, so GM dropped its suit.

At present, the Chery vehicle line up includes the tiny QQ; a compact SUV built jointly with Mitsubishi called the Tiggo; and three sedans: the Oriental Son, the Flagcloud, and the Windcloud. Recently, Chery unveiled a newly designed crossover vehicle along the lines of the Chrysler Pacifica. With an introductory MSRP of under $20,000 the Chery crossover will seat up to seven passengers and come equipped with both four and six cylinder engines. As you might guess the Chery crossover, if equipped similarly to the Pacifica, could be priced some ten thousand dollars <i>less</i> than the Chrysler model.

Current prices on the other models have not yet been set, but published reports this past summer indicated that a basic Chery could retail for as low as $6995 in the US, which would be some three thousand dollars less than the next lowest priced car, the Chevy Aveo [from GM’s Daewoo unit, naturally]. Of course, this particular pricing strategy has raised all sorts of alarms within the automobile industry, chiefly how to counter a flood of low cost cars invading the U.S. market. As some have pointed out, much like Hyundai’s introduction to the North America market during the 1980s, the Chinese cars are expected to initially have only a limited appeal primarily due to expected low quality levels. Still, it only took Hyundai less than one decade to begin to produce cars which consistently matched the quality levels of many American and Asian models. So, it could be just a matter of a few years before Chinese cars receive the positive press now given to many other Asian automakers, resulting in a sharp surge in sales.

While the Chery dealer network within the US has yet to be established, it is under development; a limited version of the dealer network is expected to be in place by Summer 2007 when the first Chinese vehicles arrive. A rapid expansion of this same network across the US and Canada has been planned over the ensuing years and although the Chery name will not be used in the US, you can expect that whatever name is selected these cars will impact the way many Americans buy their cars from that point forward. Oh, by the way, two other Chinese automakers -- Shuanghuan Automobile Manufacturing, LTD and Geely Automotive -- are also expected to export cars to the North American market soon after Chery makes its debut.

While it is too early to say, the opening of the lucrative North American automobile market to cheap Chinese vehicles could possibly shake the American economy in ways never anticipated. I, for one, shudder to think just how all of this might unfold.

Jumat, 07 Juli 2017

Glazing Kitchen Cabinets

If you plan to integrate a classic look or character to your installed and painted kitchen cabinets, or you desire to make your stained wood cabinets darker, giving them an antique and old appearance with the help of colorant then glazing methods is quite easy. Read on to learn about the proven steps in glazing kitchen cabinets.


Normally, you don't need to take the doors and hinges off. This relies on your personal choice if small amounts of glaze or colorant on your hinges does not bother you.

    The materials for this task are:
    Some brushes
    Water based or oil glaze
    Paint, colorants or stain
    Some lint-free rags
    Paint thinner

What to Do

1. Light colored wood stained cabinets can be darkened by making use of oil-based glaze. If you are not very familiar with glaze, it is a clear substance in which you mix color. It provides a simple look and remains wet until you attain your preferred glazed effect.

2. Combine the oil stain in your chosen color to glaze. Make several different mixes and apply them first on the inside of the scrap cabinet doors or wood to find out what mix will suit your taste in glazing kitchen cabinets. Do the "apply and wipe" method simultaneously with the natural wood grain.

3. Remove all the pulls and knobs of the cabinet. You should also take the drawers out since you can glaze them easily when they are positioned along your countertops or when they are strategically lined up. Apply denatured alcohol to the wood to clean them.

4. In adequate amounts, apply the glaze with the use of natural bristle brush. Then, use the lint-free rags to wipe the glaze off efficiently until you achieve your preferred look. Ensure that you focus on one section at a time. Take a break, stand back from time to time and make sure that your glazing is consistent.

Things to Remember
    Go for paints, stains, and other dyes that are darker than the current color of your kitchen cabinets.
    Distinct from oil based glaze substances, the acrylic glaze is creamy and clear when completely dry. Keep in mind that the colorants become darker while drying out.
    Messing up a section in your glazing project should not affect you. The good news is that you can start again by using a rag to wipe the fresh glaze with hot water.
    When you smear any excess glaze, the extra glaze will be pushed in corners ad edges of the frames of the cabinets that will result to hand-rubbed appearance.
    When glazing kitchen cabinets don't aim for uniformity, seek for a naturally old and charismatic cabinetry look.

For more EXPERT TIPS on glazing kitchen cabinets :

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